Back: Teddy, Sarah, Ayden
Middle: Alden, Kayleigh
Front: Ethan, Alea

Michael and Jennifer, Scott and Amy, Tim and Reginnah

December, 2019

Dear Family and Friends,

With Thanksgiving in our rear-view mirror, Christmas is rapidly approaching, and a new decade is immediately on its heels! Was it really 20 years ago that we were all worried about a new millennium?

There’s not a lot new in the Sauvageau/Sauyet family this year, other than that we’re all another year older…but then, that’s not really new. It happens every year!

We're still splitting our time between Florida and Maine – 7 months down south, 5 up north, and we're still happy to have the ability to do that. We are slowing down some. We haven't square danced in over 2 years, and we miss it, but not painfully so. Plays, musicals and concerts seem to have taken their place as our entertainment outlet. Dick still rides his bike and swims, but neither activity is now an everyday thing. He's golfing once a week now, not twice, but if you ask him how he is, he will always tell you he's "fantastic!"

I still have fun making my greeting cards and getting together with my crafty friends on a regular basis. I still do water fitness 3 times a week, weather permitting, and at the clubhouse here in FL there's another fitness program that works on core strengthening – also 3 days a week.

As for our kids and grandkids, life seems to be moving at a normal pace. Oldest son Scott and his wife Amy still live in Andover, CT, where Scott still commutes to Hartford for his job in computer programming for an insurance company, and Amy still runs the horse farm where they live.

October 15 — May 1

Dick & Gee Sauvageau
5606 SW 58th St.
Ocala, FL 34474
(352) 873-4301

May 1 — October 15

Dick & Gee Sauvageau
295 Sebago Rd.
Naples, ME 04055

Cell phones:

Dick: (203) 512-2057 Gee: (203) 744-4193

Email addresses:

Teddy, their son, has passed his graduate school exams at the doctoral level and is now trying to decide on a topic for his doctoral dissertation in physics. In extra-curricular activities he still loves ballroom dance and goes to frequent competitions either with his dance partner or with his girlfriend Sarah who he first met through dancing at UConn.

Sarah graduated from UConn in May and is working in CT at a job where she's sequencing the human genome. Yup, they are both super-bright kids. And nice besides – not that I'm biased or anything!

And speaking of great kids, Teddy's sister Kayleigh is a junior at UMass, Dartmouth, majoring in English and is one of the co-captains of the school's equestrian team. We still have a wonderful picture of her as a two-year-old leading a huge horse out of the barn. We knew then that this would be a life-long passion for her.

Middle son Tim is still a nurse working for hospice in the Spokane area and loves his work. He has a new young woman in his life named Reginnah who lives with him and his two sons, Alden and Ethan. Reginnah is finishing up work on a double master's degree and plans to become a social worker.

Alden is 14 and a freshman in high school where he enjoys playing saxophone in the school jazz band as well as the high school band, the marching band and the pep band depending on the sport season! Ethan is 12 and in 7th grade. His teachers report that he's a class leader and really kind to the other kids in class. He loves to hang out after school with his buddies.

Youngest son Michael and his wife Jennifer are the ones who have the chocolate business, Noteworthy Chocolates, which they started just over 3 years ago. This past July was the first month where they actually made a profit. They work very hard at networking and drawing in new business and at continually improving their website. They started out expecting to appeal to individuals who were looking for a unique gift for special occasions. Although they still get some orders that way, they're now focusing more on business to business gifting and wedding favors.

Their oldest child Ayden is 16 and a junior in high school. He is bright and articulate and loves to debate. He enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: the Card Game and LARP (live action role play.)

His sister Alea is 11 and in 6th grade. She is one of the friendliest kids I know and gets along with everybody. She loves singing, theater and sleep-overs with friends.

We were lucky enough this summer to have all 3 of our sons and their families at Sebago Lake State Park at the same time for several days. Since we have so many summer birthdays, we often do a joint birthday celebration where we provide individual loaf cakes, lots of frosting and tons of candy so everyone can decorate their cake as a railroad train car. We line them all up after they're done. Attached are a couple of pictures.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year!

Dick & Gee